Cochlear Implant | Mukhtar A. Sheikh Hospital


Cochlear Implant Program

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Cochlear Implant

Congenital Hearing Loss is a prevalent issue in Pakistan, especially in South Punjab. Hearing impairment in newborn children not only makes them suffer from complete deafness, but it also blights their ability to speak. A single cochlear implant surgery cost about Rs. 2 million. At Mukhtar A. Sheikh Hospital, in collaboration with Bait ul Maal, we have been funding such surgeries for many of such underprivileged kids, however, the number of children is far too great for us to fund alone. Whilst in 2020, we contributed Rs. 23 million to the cause, performing 38 surgeries. Consectetur elit sedo eiusmod tempor incididunt ulabor seda dolore magna aliqua enims veniam quis adipisicing elit sedu eiusmod tempor incididunt. For this year alone, more than 300 babies have been registered for cochlear implant surgery. We hope to raise the funds needed to perform the 300 surgeries in a timely manner, so these children don’t have to go another day without the ability to listen.

CEO Message

Irfan Khan
CEO Mtkhtar A. Sheikh Hospital

"We are honored to have been allowed to serve our nation and these underprivileged people with the cooperation of Bait ul Maal. We, at Mukhtar A. Sheikh Hospital, will continue to work for the betterment of society".

Dr. Maqbool Ahmed

HOD/Sr. Consultant ENT

As a doctor, my job is to strive for my patients, for the unfortunate kids who can neither listen nor speak. To give them a chance at a normal life by giving them the gift of hearing & speech. That is all l am concerned with.

Dr. Sohail Awan

Associate Professor and Head of ENT Department Aga Khan University, Karachi

Hearing loss can significantly hinder a child's ability to communicate and can thereby negatively impact educational and psychosocial development. lt is the most common congenital sensory impairment, with an incidence of two to three per 1000 live births. A child who is born deaf is unable to go for mainstream education and won’t be able to become a useful member of society unless he is rehabilitated early and eGectively. Cochlear implantation has become a very successful treatment option for children with severe–profound hearing impairment. After surgery these children can be rehabilitated to play their eGective role in our society.

Success Stories


For the first time in South Punjab, Cochlear lmplant surgery was performed by Mukhtar A. Sheikh Hospital in December 2019. The surgery was performed on Uzma, a 4–year–old girl, who has been unable to hear or speak since birth. With the time quickly elapsing, M. Aslam decided to sell his house, his sole property for his daughter’s treatment. lt was at this moment when he was referred to Mukhtar A. Sheikh Hospital by a relative. When he approached the doctors here, he was delighted to hear that Uzma could get the surgery that she required to lead a normal and healthy life, and that too without the financial burden, as the whole expenses of the operation along with their stay at the hospital would be supported by Mukhtar A. Sheikh Hospital. On the new year, Uzma’s cochlear implant surgery was performed by our expert ENT surgeon with an experienced team of specialists, audiologists, and nurses. On 30th January 2020, a Cochlear lmplant Activation Ceremony was conducted in the hospital, where Uzma’s cochlear implant was activated by Mian Faisal Ahmed Mukhtar (Chairman).

Muhammad Aliyan

My name is Abdul Rab and this is my nephew Muhammad Aliyan. After his birth, we felt that he cannot hear anything. So we got him tested and our suspicion was confirmed. The doctors suggested cochlear implant. We took him to lslamabad for the treatment but we had a lot of issues there. Then we got to know about the cochlear implant program at MASH. We got registered here. One month after his surgery the device was implanted and activated, followed by speech therapy. By the grace of Allah, our child is much better now. The hospital provided us with world class facilities. We would like to request the govt. and private individuals as well to support this great initiative by MASH.

Arshian Ali

This is Arshian Ali, my son. When he was 8 months old, he was diagnosed with congenital hearing loss. The doctors in D.l. Khan referred us to MASH. On our arrival, the hospital staG guided us through the whole process. My son is now able to speak and listen properly. We are in debt of the hospital for all the support and help that they have provided us during the whole process. They have helped our son in the best way possible.

Category 1: Sponsor a child

  • Donation amount Rs. 2 Million.
  • Covers all costs, from the moment a patient steps in the hospital to the moment they start speaking and listening properly, including:

  • Cochlear lmplant Device
  • Surgery Cost
  • Speech Therapy Cost
  • Audiology

Category 3: Sponsor the Surgery

  • Donation amount Rs. 650,000.
  • Covers all costs related to surgery, including:

  • Surgery Cost
  • Speech Therapy Cost
  • Audiology

Category 2: Donate the Implant

  • Donation amount Rs. 1.4 Million.
  • Covers the cost of Cochlear lmplant. This implant is the most expensive part of the surgery.

Category 4: Partial Donations:

  • Donation amount Rs. 500,000.
  • Covers partial costs of the procedure, including:

  • Speech therapy Cost
  • Other Miscellaneous costs
  • Audiology

To Donate:


  • Please make your cheque payable to: “Mukhtar A. Sheikh Hospital” and deposit at the Hospital or call 061111627628 to schedule a Home Collection

Bank: AlFalah

  • Bank: AlFalah
  • Account Title: Mukhtar A. Sheikh Memorial Welfare Hospital
  • Account #: 1007274303
  • lBAN: PK81ALFH0976001007274303
  • Amount will be credited to Patients MR#
  • Donor will receive updates on childs treatement