General Surgery | Mukhtar A. Sheikh Hospital


General Surgery | Mukhtar A. Sheikh Hospital

With the best surgical expertise by our side, Mukhtar A. Sheikh focuses on creating a comfortable and positive experience for our patients. General surgery is a discipline that requires knowledge of and responsibility for the preoperative, operative, and postoperative management of patients with a broad spectrum of diseases, including those which may require nonoperative, elective, or emergency surgical treatment. Our general surgeons are highly competent in diagnosis as well as treatment and management of:

  • Alimentary tract
  • Abdomen and its contents
  • Breast, skin, and soft tissue
  • Head and neck including trauma, vascular, endocrine, congenital, and oncologic disorders
  • The endocrine system, including thyroid, parathyroid, adrenal and endocrine pancreas
  • Surgical oncology
  • Comprehensive management of trauma, including musculoskeletal, hand, head injuries and intra-abdominal.
  • Complete care of critically ill patients with underlying surgical conditions, in the emergency room, intensive care unit, and trauma/burn units
  • Holistic treatment of morbid obesity and metabolic disease

Our specialists have vast experience in Advanced Minimally Invasive Surgery for complex surgical problems and we have established comprehensive care for trauma and complex diseases.