Family Health | Mukhtar A. Sheikh Hospital


Family Health | Mukhtar A. Sheikh Hospital

Comprehensive Family Health Services at Mukhtar A. Sheikh Hospital

Family medicine is a ­field of primary care medicine where family physicians are skilled in treating people of all ages from young babies and children to adults and the elderly. At Mukhtar A. Sheikh Hospital, family physicians deal with several health issues such as hypertension, hyperlipidemia, fi­bromyalgia, chronic pain, gout, headaches, anemias, diabetes, skin conditions, infectious diseases, respiratory infections and many more. We also provide screening and management plans for communicable diseases like Hepatitis A, B, C, and E.

We focus on health promotion and disease prevention through health screening procedures, pediatrics, and adult immunizations, pre-marital screening, smoker’s health screening, pre-employment and annual checks, stress, and pain management.