Quality Update | Mukhtar A. Sheikh Hospital




Quality healthcare was nothing but a dream in Pakistan, especially in the south Punjab. However, the establishment of MASH in Multan has set a benchmark for other hospitals to raise their standards and provide quality health care to their patients. MASH is a symbol of quality healthcare services.

Quality Day Celebration

World Quality Day was celebrated at MASH on November 12, 2020 to increase awareness of the important contribution that quality makes towards patient safety and organizational growth.
The aim was to prevent and reduce risks, errors and harm that could occur to patients during provision of health care.

Fire Safety Day

Fire Safety Day was celebrated on 14th January,2021. It was an awareness – raising campaign intended to focus on Healthcare Fire safety culture to help reduce the number of work-related deaths and injuries.

It was an excellent opportunity to discuss fire safety with our staff and patients in a fun but educational way, with lots of activities and shared

Medication Safety Booth

Medication Safety booth was established on Feb 24, 2021 to inculcate the culture of Medication safety in staff.  The team focused on taking precautionary steps to prevent adverse reactions & overdoses.

Team also emphasized the use of “five rights”: the right patient, the right drug, the right dose, the right route, and the right time.