Pharmacy Services | Mukhtar A. Sheikh Hospital


Pharmacy Services

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1. Inpatient Pharmacy

Highly qualified staff verifies the electronic orders entered by the Doctor. Pharmacy technicians then fill those orders and then label them properly. These orders are checked by the Pharmacist to ensure correct filling. Pharmacist reviews the patient profile for drug-drug interactions before verifying orders.

2. Outpatient Pharmacy

Highly qualified staff dispense medications and counsel the patient about its use. Medications are stored at temperatures recommended by the manufacturer. We have high quality medications available as we do a quality check at the time of receiving.

3. Dedicated Pharmacy Store

Pharmacy Store serves as a centralized area to supply all medications to different pharmacies within the hospital. Inventories are effectively managed using electronic inventory system (HIMS).

4. Pharmacy online Crash cart and Floor stock services

Medications in case of emergency or code situation is available in the crash cart or as floor stock in all the wards. The inventories are managed through online system (HIMS).

5. Drug information Center

24/7 drug information service is available for the healthcare professionals within MASH. Patients can also call (061-111627628 Ext: 2001/2002/3107/1123) to avail this free of cost service.

6. IV Sterile Area

Medications that are administered through intravenous route are prepared in a specialized sterile area to avoid its exposure to the open environment following USP 797 standards for all Non-Hazardous drug preparations.

7. Highly qualified staff

We have staff working at Mukhtar A. Sheikh Hospital who have an experience from abroad in different specialties of Pharmacy.

8. Timings of Pharmacy

Our working hours are:

OPD Pharmacy: 8 am till 8 pm (Monday to Saturday)

IPD/ER Pharmacy: 24/7

Main Pharmacy: 9 am till 5 pm (Monday to Saturday)

9. Discount offered by Pharmacy

Pharmacy offers 5% – up to 10% discount on medication purchase.

10. High quality medications selection through P&T committee

Selection process of medications at Mukhtar A. Sheikh Hospital is totally unbiased and done by the Pharmacy & Therapeutic Committee.

11. Computerized Physician order entry system (HIMS)

Mukhtar A. Sheikh Hospital has a Computerized Physician Order Entry System of prescribing, verification, dispensing and administration. Taking the care of patients to the next level.

12. Patient's Medications Counseling Services

Outpatients and Discharged patients are counselled how to take their medications at home. The healthcare staff teach the patients in their local language to ensure full confidence of the patient how to use their medications to achieve 100% compliance.

13. Medications Home Delivery Services

We offer free home delivery service to our patients and also to outside customers. Currently we cover Multan region only.

14. MASH PHARMACY IV guidelines

We are proud to have a Clinical Practice to follow Intravenous Medications Guidelines throughout the hospital for better patient safety.

15. Inpatient Unit dose dispensing system

We have a modified unit dose dispensing system which allows our nursing staff to utilize their valuable time towards more patient centered/focused service.

16. Pharmacy Updates and Newsletter

We educate our healthcare staff by circulating Pharmacy updates and Newsletter throughout the hospital electronically for sharing updated knowledge.

17. Online MASH Hospital Formulary

Every hospital has a formulary but Mukhtar A. Sheikh has an online formulary which help our Doctors to prescribe more accurately. It has different features to make their experience more fruitful.

18. Clinical Pharmacy & Critical Care Services

Pharmacy staff assist the healthcare Team especially Doctors during their Clinical rounds. This service helps us make patient therapy more cost effective and evidence based.

19. Discharge Pharmacy Services

Patients are discharged with their take home medications and the healthcare staff educate them about their appropriate use for the best outcomes.