Operating Rooms | Mukhtar A. Sheikh Hospital


Operating Rooms | Mukhtar A. Sheikh Hospital

Operating rooms, where the most sensitive procedures takes place, should be kept fully integrated with latest equipment and designs with emphasis on sterilization to provide specialized care to the patients.


Operating rooms at Mukhtar A. Sheikh Hospital are purposely designed and equipped with latest equipment to enhance the quality level of services being provided. Our modular operating rooms are equipped with digital environmental controls, laminar air flow ceiling, PU flooring, glass and antibacterial stainless steel walls, HIMS integrated LCD viewer, auto sliding SS doors and electric OT tables.


Operating rooms are further HIMS integrated which ensures effective management of operations and activities. LED Lights set are installed in every OR to provide adequate visibility and flexibility in adjustment according to the surgeon’s needs. Each OR is also equipped with state of the art Anesthesia Workstation that is specifically designed to enhance patience safety and well-being.